4822 Fitzhugh AVE – Fitzhugh

Tax records do not show a structure at this location until 1952, indicating that this house was probably moved to the site. The house is a one-story, wood frame shotgun house with a gable roof and a full shed-roofed porch supported by one lathed post and one plain square post. Given the building’s form, it … Read more

Wollner-Jackson House – Debra

In 1940 Carl Woolmer purchased 142.83 acres of land from the Fort Worth Transit Co. and shortly thereafter constructed this house of stone, petrified wood and shells. The V-shaped structure has a side gable roof and a projecting front gable to the left of the front entry. The house sits on top of Turkey Knob, … Read more

Burns House – Amanda

This one and one-half story wood frame house was built by William D. and Ella Virginia Burns about 1915. Mr. Burns was a farmer, and the couple later ran a grocery store located on the corner of Amanda and Willie streets. William Burns also operated the water system for the community; he sold water pumped … Read more

Sagamore Hill Negro School – Willie

School records from 1930 refer to the Sagamore Hill Negro School as a “four room frame structure” on a three acre site. City directory records first list the school in 1926; R.H. Hines was the first principal. A 1931 study recommended that additional space be purchased and a new school be built to replace the … Read more

5209 Turner ST – Turner

This one-story house clad in lap siding and has a flaring hip roof which extends from the front facade as a porch supported by Tuscan columns. The current owner indicates that the house was moved to this site during the mid-1940s. It was the top half of a two-story residence originally located on Pennsylvania Avenue … Read more

5005 Sunshine DR – Sunshine

This small shotgun plan house has a full shed-roofed porch supported by square posts. The shotgun house is a unique, local folk house type, and this is a pure, well-preserved example. This house probably dates from the 1920s, although it does not appear in public records until 1952.

2734-36 Stallcup RD – Stallcup

This simple one- story shotgun plan house has a gable roof and a shed-roofed front porch. An intact example of a local folk house type, this house has a large rear addition and a new concrete front porch slab. This section of Stallcup Road was not opened until 1952, so references in the city directory … Read more

2208-10 Stallcup RD – Stallcup

The first reference in public records to a house on this site is a 1954 alteration permit. The permit referred to the house as a single family residence, but the building is presently a duplex with two front doors. Since this section of Stallcup Road was not open until 1952, this house may have either … Read more

2114 Stallcup RD – Stallcup

According to tax records, this shotgun plan house was built in 1930. The earliest recorded owner is Torn Stallcup who platted the area in 1945. Stallcup sold the house in 1954 to the current owners. Clad in drop siding, this front gable house has a full recessed porch supported by plain posts. The structure has … Read more

Echols House – Miller

Robert and Kathleen Echols built this six-room brick and stone house in 1928. Echols worked as a bricklayer, and he designed and constructed his own house with builder J.E. Echol’s assistance. The house has passed through several owners since the early 1930s. This large sandstone-veneer house has a prominent front chimney flanked by arched front … Read more