Cobden Commercial Structure – Main

Fine ornamental brickwork distinguishes this two- story commercial structure. The windows have been altered and the brick surface has been painted. A mechanic’s lien indicates that the structure was erected by William Bryce in 1909 for Alexander and Jessie Cobden (see 600-700 blocks E. Exchange Avenue). The property was owned by Jessie Cobden and later, by her trustees until 1976. Early commercial tenants included J. W. Alton, grocer from 1912 to 1925, and on the second floor, Southwestern Telephone and Telegraph Co., Prospect Exchange from 1914 to 1931. The upper floor served as the I.O.O.F. Hall for North Fort Worth Lodge No. 103 from 1935 to c. 1950. The second floor of this building was destroyed by fire in 1988, and the structure has been extensively rebuilt.

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