College Avenue Baptist Church Children’s Building – Morphy

Not to be confused with the building at 1333 College Avenue, this two-story brick Colonial-inspired elementary education building also was constructed for College Avenue Baptist Church. The groundbreaking was held on April 27, 1952 and it was dedicated on October 4, 1953. The rectangular building, designed by Preston M. Geren, is symmetrically composed with a hipped roof and a slightly projecting front gabled bay on the façade. The gabled bay features returns, a roundel window below its peak, and quoins. The front entrance has a cast stone surround with a broken pediment. Double wood-paneled doors have been replaced with glass storefront style doors. Multiple light metal casement windows have cast sills and cast keystones in the lintels. The building adjoins the church, constructed in 1970, on its south end. It is a noncontributing resource to the Fairmount-Southside Historic District because it was constructed after the district’s period of significance.

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