Fort Worth Power and Light Co./ TU Electric Power Plant – Main

The Fort Worth Power and Light Co., now TU Electric, was formed in 1911 when J. R. Nutt of Cleveland, Ohio purchased and consolidated three smaller companies. A year later, a power plant was constructed on the north bank of the Trinity River on the site of an earlier power station. According to an article in the Fort Worth Record, the plant was designed and constructed by the Cleveland Construction Company of Cleveland, Ohio.

Ochre brick veneer faces the main industrial structure which was eleven bays long as initially built in 1912. A concrete first story is surmounted by a high second story featuring tall arched windows with surrounds of limestone. The third story is composed of pairs of small rectangular windows centered over the arched windows below. A steam generating plant was constructed outdoors in 1922 but it was disassembled in 1978. An additional six bays to the east and a 320-foot concrete stack were added in 1952. A high one-story block on the east, of harmonious construction, is a later addition, as are a host of small shed-roofed docks that surround the building. The plant appears to qualify for listing on the National Register.

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