Griffith House – Westridge

Russell R. Griffith of the Litho Plate Graining Co. of Texas commissioned Dallas architect Charles Dilbeck to design his house on a slight rise above the spreading river bottom land near Ridglea. The basically rectangular plan of one and one-half stories features a hexagonal, peaked stair tower and a staggered hip roof with hipped and shed-roofed dormers. A one-story loggia of heavy timber framing projects out at an angle; this loggia recently has been glassed in. High quality surface detail includes heavy timber braces at the entries, half-timbering with patterned brick infill, brick corbeling, and a shake roof. Dilbeck’s design is a fine evocation of a French Norman farmhouse. Following determination of the structure’s integrity and attainment of fifty years of age, the house may qualify for the National Register.

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