This cluster of six duplex rental houses is on three contiguous lots. According to city and county records, the houses were built in two phases in 1938 and 1939. The developer was C. H. McBrayer, a realtor who purchased the property from the City of Fort Worth in 1938. Building permits indicate that McBrayer applied to the city in 1938 to build eleven three-room wood-framed residences at a cost of $500 each, and the following year to build five similar houses at a cost of $300 each. The plat map on the county tax assessor’s abstract shows the houses as detached structures, presumably with shotgun plans. Twelve of these survive as six duplexes with connecting breezeway porches. Further research is needed to document the history and integrity of the buildings, and their connection, if any, with programs of the Fort Worth Housing Authority (established in January 1938). Upon the attainment of 50 years of age, they may be eligible for the National Register as early instances of low-income housing.