Moore House and Barn – Chapin

This farm complex, set far south of Chapin Road, is comprised of a large, wood frame house, a barn and a water tower. The Queen Anne style farmhouse, of cruciform plan, has a pyramidal roof with cross gables over three-sided bays. Shed-roofed entry porches flank the front, north bay. The one and one-half story house, clad in channel rustic siding, is in largely original condition, although deteriorating; a gabled bay on the west is an addition. The gable-roofed barn has a shed-roofed extension along the north side. Clad in board and batten siding, the barn has a stone foundation and a corrugated metal roof. This property is remembered locally as the Moore Farm, owned by Val and Lizzie Moore. Arch H. Rowan (9729 Chapin Road) purchased the property in 1941. Originally part of a 166-acre tract of the L.B. Creswell survey, the tract has been divided by the construction of Loop 820 to the west. The farm complex appears eligible for the National Register, but further research is needed to confirm its history.

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