Boarding houses and hotels were once a feature of the North Side, serving the needs of single men who worked at the many livestock-related businesses. A building permit documents that this fourteen-room boarding house was erected in 1936 for $5,000. Operated by Mrs. Myrtle Robbins, the structure was designed and constructed by A.C. Bolden. The building is distinguished by its veneer of polychrome sandstone from Palo Pinto County. The jerkin-head gable roof is repeated in the central jerkin-head gabled portico. A sandstone retaining wall surrounds the property. In 1939, a multiple garage with apartments above was erected to the rear of the boarding house; clad in identical sandstone veneer, it was constructed by the same builder. The building was owned by Mrs. Robbins until 1980, and is operated as rooming houses today.