Ransom House – Terrell

It is believed that Dr. Riley Andrew Ransom had this two-story mixed Prairie School/Bungalow style house constructed c. 1921. The basically box-shaped house has a hipped roof with exposed rafter tails. The one-story porch roof is hipped with a front-facing gable with brackets above the porch steps. A side-gabled porte-cochere is on the east elevation. The house is covered with asbestos siding which one source states is original. Turned wood columns under the porch and porte-cochere have replaced the original columns. Dr. Ransom was a significant figure in the African American community, first operating the Booker T. Washington Sanitarium, then the Negro Baptist Hospital, and then the Ethel Ransom Memorial Hospital, named after his first wife. It closed in 1949. Dr. Ransom is buried at New Trinity Cemetery in Haltom City where an Official Texas Historical Marker has been erected commemorating his significance to the medical community in Fort Worth. An extended member of the Ransom family still owns the house (2007). It is a contributing resource in the National Register-listed Near Southeast Historic District.

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