Wollner-Jackson House – Debra

In 1940 Carl Woolmer purchased 142.83 acres of land from the Fort Worth Transit Co. and shortly thereafter constructed this house of stone, petrified wood and shells. The V-shaped structure has a side gable roof and a projecting front gable to the left of the front entry. The house sits on top of Turkey Knob, a hill which overlooked Lake Erie (now a part of Lake Arlington). According to local sources, Turkey Knob was an old Indian lookout point. During the heyday of the Interurban, the Northern Texas ‘fraction Co. operated a resort on Lake Erie. Turkey Knob was the site of one of the amusement rides. Boats were pulled up the hill and slid down into the lake. In 1956 the property was purchased by Continental Development Co. which platted and subdivided the land. The house was sold to Adelle Jackson Martin, a businesswoman who was co-founder of “Sepia” magazine and served as its editor from 1944 to 1962. Mrs. Martin was an advisor to writer John Howard Griffith, who traveled in the south posing as a black man. His story, published in book form under the title “Black Like Me”, originally appeared in Sepia. The house remains in the Martin family.

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