Society honors historic home

BY AMANDA ROGERS The Nugent-Hart house received a Texas Historical Marker in 1983, and now it has its own Christmas ornament. The little Victorian frame house at 312 S. Waxahachie St. is the 10th Mansfield structure to be depicted on a stoneware ornament commissioned by the Mansfield Historical Society. “This project started in 1999 … Read more

Butler Place : Housing group looks at redevelopment of 41-acre complex

Posted: Saturday, October 22, 2016 9:30 am Rick Mauch FWBP Features Writer | 0 comments Butler Place Constructed between 1939 and 1940, Butler Place is one of 52 federally funded low-income housing projects built in the United States during the Great Depression. It housed 250 African-American families in the Chambers Hill area, a rather notorious part … Read more

Fort Worth’s Trimble Tech High School celebrates building’s 100 years

BY DIANE SMITH FORT WORTH Trophies, photos and architecture hint of 100 years at Fort Worth’s Trimble Tech High School building. Another sign the Fort Worth campus is filled with memories: Multiple generations of Trimble Tech graduates — whether the Class of 1959 or the upcoming Class of 2017 — show their pride when … Read more

America’s 11 Most Endangered Places

Since 1988, the National Trust has used its list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places to raise awareness about the threats facing some of the nation’s greatest treasures. The list, which has identified more than 270 sites to date, has been so successful in galvanizing preservation efforts that only a handful of sites have … Read more

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