Designation Key: (Designations are a function of governmental entities)
- NR : Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service
- RTHL : Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, State of Texas
- SAL : State Archaeological Landmark, State of Texas
- DD : Demolition Delay for up to 180 days
- H&C : Historic & Cultural Landmark, City of Fort Worth
- HSE : Highly Significant & Endangered, City of Fort Worth
- Yellow : Yellow indicates that the resource was saved or designated.
- Blue : Blue indicates a deal is in the works that HFW believes has potential.
- Red : Red indicates that the property was demolished.
- Green : For repetitive listings
- ** The owner asked for and received advice from HFW
2013 Endangered Places (pdf version)
- Ben Hogan’s childhood home, 1316 E. Allen Avenue, 1927
- Fort Worth Art Center & Scott Theater, 2nd 1300 Gendy Street, 1954
- The Garvey-Veihl-Kelley House, 769 Samuels Avenue, 1884-1890; purchased in 2014 by a preservation-minded buyer
- Old Renfro Drug Store, 2nd 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue at Henderson St., 1929
- Tanglewood Neighborhood, roughly between Bellaire Dr. W. and Hulen St., 1950’s & 60’s