Tax records are inconclusive regarding the date of initial purchase of the property from River Crest Land Company, but family reminiscences indicate that Joseph G. Hogsett, who purchased his property at 925 Hillcrest Street in 1926 (925 Hillcrest Street), had this house constructed for his sister, Mrs. Jospeh H. Barwise. Joseph and Lucy Barwise are first listed as residing at this property in 1928. The property remained in the family until 1949. The two-story house of rectangular plan is clad in weatherboard siding; its design is based loosely on colonial sources. Prominent featured of the residence include a sidelit and fanlit entry, a three-sided bay two stories in height, and a single-story, shef-roofed porch on Tuscan columns extending the full length of the front elevation. A porte-cochere adjoins the house to the south; this was enclosed in 1932.