401 Samuels Avenue [NR/SAHD(NR)], Charles E. Nash Elementary School, 1927; 1936. In 1925 Fort Worth citizens approved a major school building program, including the construction of a new building to house the elementary students of the combined first and ninth wards. Local architect Wiley G. Clarkson was the architect for this project. Clarkson was responsible for the design ofa number of Fort Worth school buildings during this period, including William James Junior High, Carroll M. Peak Elementary, and North Side Junior High School (now J.P. Elder Middle School). Contracts were let in May 1927, and Butcher & Sweeney was named general contractor. In February 1928 the school was named for the late Charles E. Nash, owner of Nash Hardware (CBD 36) and former secretary of the Fort Worth School Board. An addition to the building, designed by Earl T. Glasgow and built by Gurley Construction Co., was authorized in 1936, bringing the school to its present size. The building is a handsome brick and tile rendition of Spanish Colonial Revival design, distinguished by an octagonal corner stair tower. The 1936 addition, which blends with the original design, is on the north end of the building. Charles E. Nash Elementary School is potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and a contributor to the proposed Samuels Avenue National Register Historic District