Hemphill Presbyterian Church – Hemphill

Hemphill Presbyterian Church began in 1889 as a Sunday School held in private homes. Two years later, Tabernacle Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized. In 1909, the present site was purchased, and a brick structure erected in 1911. Expansion of the facilities occurred in 1922, 1925-26, 1951 and 1960, of which the sanctuary of 1925-26 is the most significant architecturally. Designed by the firm of Sanguinet and Staats, it is a classical composition with pedimented portico, clad in red brick with cast stone trim. The interior is largely intact. The 1925-26 sanctuary appears to be eligible for the National Register on the basis of its architectural quality. The building was designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark in 1984 and locally designated Demolition Delay in 1995. After struggling with a diminishing congregation, First Presbyterian Church took over the operation of the church in 2004 in hopes of rebuilding the congregation.

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