Wade-Rall House – College

The Wade-Rall House is a two-story wood-framed house clad in brown brick. In composition, it is a rectangular block, with shallow hipped roof and full front porch. The stuccoed canopied eave is unusual. A central arched parapet is adorned with a cast stone quatrefoil. The house was built c. 1913 and lived in shortly by two widows, one of whom was Mary Smith, widow of Fort Worth pioneer John Peter Smith. Dr. George B. Wade purchased the property c. 1919, selling it to Marvin C. Rall in 1928. Rall was a prominent grain merchant. The Ralls owned the house until 1946. It may be eligible for the National Register following more precise documentation. The Wade-Rall House was designated a City of Fort Worth Historic and Cultural Landmark in 2004.

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