Tiled Curb Street Signs – Jones

Mosaic tile street signs on many concrete curbs throughout Fort Worth date from 1938-39 when the Works Progress Administration funded a $1,000,000 street improvement program. City engineer D.L. Lewis was in charge of the program which included updating street signs, curbing, guttering, and road surfaces. Many of these attractive blue and white tile signs are … Read more

Limestone Street Curbing – Ballinger

During the late nineteenth-century stones of limestone, granite, or other material were used to provided durable and attractive curbing along city streets. The limestone blocks along Ballinger St. and Summit Ave., remnants of what was probably a much larger stretch of stone curbing, were likely installed when the Quality Hill neighborhood where they are located … Read more

Municipal Rose Gardens – Botanic Gardens

Following the recommendations of the 1907 Kessler plan for public park development, the City of Fort Worth purchased in 1912-13 the swampy area south of Trinity Park now covered by the Botanic Garden. Improvements were delayed until well after the issuance of a $300,000 bond in 1925 to develop a plan for parks; Hare and … Read more

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