Anne Halsell Waggoner House – Mistletoe

This two-story house is constructed of brick on the ground level and stuccoed on the second story, with glazed green tile hipped roofs. It is a powerful symmetrical composition consisting of one-story off-set wings projecting forward from the central two-story block, flanking an entry court. Symmetrical chimneys, scaled and constructed with crisp precision, rise free of the walls at the junctures of the wings, tied to the house where they partially pierce the eave. The house was built c. 1919 and first occupied by Anne Halsell Waggoner, second wife of Dan Waggoner (1828-1905), pioneer Texas cattleman. His son by his first wife was W. T. Waggoner, who accumulated a ranching and banking empire in northwest Texas and built the Waggoner Building in downtown Fort Worth. The house appears to be eligible for the National Register on the basis of its architectural quality and its associations with a family prominent in Fort Worth’s history. The Waggoner House was designated Demolition Delay in 1995.

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