Berney House – Broad

Morris B. Berney purchased all of block thirty- seven from River Crest Co. in 1911. Berney was involved in the oil industry and was vice-president and secretary of the Alta Vista Creamery Co. He later developed portions of the Ridglea area (6319 Rosemont Avenue). The Berney house was constructed in 1916, and remained in the family until 1949. This fine Mediterranean villa is the 1915 design of Chicago architects David Adler and Henry C. Dangler. In composition the house is a hipped central block flanked by projecting hipped wings. The two-story central block contains an arcade supported by cast-stone columns which open to a vaulted entry porch. Cast-stone trim is evident in the dated cartouche, sill course and architraves surrounding the double-hung windows. Flanking the wings are secondary dependencies; these one- story sunrooms may be of later construction. The condition of the Berney House is excellent, although louvered shutters on the main house facade, probably a later addition, do not contribute to the Mediterranean style. The house might qualify for the National Register following additional documentation to assess its integrity.

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