Berry Bros. & Donohue Cleaners – Pennsylvania







This commercial building, conspicuously sited at the intersection of several important streets, was constructed in 1930 as the Berry Bros. & Donohue Laundry, who occupied the premises until 1984. Of brick construction with stucco veneer, the building was planned originally as an “L” to provide for parking on its corner site. A large Mission Style parapet is set at the juncture of the two wings. Façades are treated as glazed arcades with Spanish tile bases and wrought-iron grilles. Roof rafters project from the walls. The parapet is trimmed in red tile. A wood-framed structure was added between the wings c. 1935. Rather than detracting from the integrity of the original building, this addition adds interest and complexity. A. B. Wharton, Jr., was the developer of the property; Harry B. Friedman was the contractor for the original structure. The building is owned by Harris Hospital. With more complete documentation to ascertain its construction history, it may be eligible for the National Register for its high quality of workmanship and materials. This building has been demolished.

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