Bishop-Newkirk House – 8th

The Bishop-Newkirk House is a large two-story wood-framed house, generally rectangular in plan, clad in narrow clapboard, with hipped roof. The flaring eaves of the roof produce a wide overhang undergirded with decorative brackets. An expansive porch wraps around the front to the south side, supported by short Tuscan columns on a rusticated concrete block base. The house was built c. 1910 for Robert B. Bishop, a financier and Realtor, and sold in 1917 to William B. Newkirk, president of the Newkirk-Offutt Shoe Co. The house remained in the Newkirk Family until 1966, since which time it has had several owners and uses. It is now a restaurant. The Bishop-Newkirk House was designated as a City of Fort Worth Historic and Cultural Landmark in 1993. It is now used as a Bed and Breakfast. The lower photo was taken in 2007.

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