Bomar Apartments – Alston

The Bomar Apartments is a three-story structure and is rectangular in plan. It is wood-framed with a veneer of ochre brick. A two-story brick portico extends across the front, with a third story of wood construction. Built c. 1920, the apartments were listed in city directories variously as the “Bomar,” “Bonner” and “Banner Apartments.” The correct name was probably “Bomar,” for David T. Bomar (1861-1917), a prominent Fort Worth attorney, banker and realtor who developed the nearby Swastika Place subdivision (see 1404 S. Adams). The building may be eligible for the National Register as part of a group of early, well designed apartment buildings in the Southside. The Bomar Apartments are a contributing resource in the Fairmount-Southside Historic District (local and national). Since originally documented, wood lattice has been added across the third story portico.

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