Bradner Block/ Weber Building – 302 Main Street

302 Main Street, Bradner Block/Weber Building, c.1885; c. 1915; 1981.  Occupied by a tobacco dealer and a series of barbers and restaurants when it first opened, a portion of this building also housed the Western Union Telegraph Co. during the 1890s.  The building is identified as the “Bradner Block” on an 1889 Sanborn Fire Insurance map, probably referring to J.W. Bradner who was an early owner of the property.  Research conducted during the rehabilitation of Sundance Square buildings indicated that the cast iron columns originally used on this building had been removed when it was remodeled about 1915 and placed on the building next door at 300 Main St.  Between 1964 and 1974, the building was occupied by the Weber’s Jewelry and Loan, giving it the name now used by Sundance Square.  During the 1981 revitalization project, Thomas S. Byrne, Inc. construction company, working from plans by the architectural firm of Thomas E. Woodward & Associates, replaced the columns during the reconstruction of the building’s facade.  A new structure was constructed behind the restored facade.  The two story brick building has carved stone trim, including a series of decorative window arches, and a corbelled brick course below the parapet.

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