Commercial Bldg./ Daiches Jewelry Company – 101-107 Houston Street

101-107 Houston Street, Commercial Building/ Daiches Jewelry Company, 1910; 1955.  George L. Gause, a funeral home operator, purchased this property in 1910 and constructed this three-story brick commercial building that same year.  The building is listed on both Houston and Weatherford streets in early city directories, making it difficult to identify building tenants precisely.  Gamble & Co. Meat Market (also called Model Meat Market) apparently occupied the first floor.  Goodkin’s Hotel, operated by Mrs. Alice Goodkin, was located upstairs, followed in succeeding years by the Park Hotel and the Monterey Hotel.  Daiches Jewelry Co. first located here in 1929, and is still in this location as Joe Daiches Credit Jewelers.

The building is located on an important corner site near the courthouse.   A decorative stone panel containing the letter “G” adorns the parapet.  It may refer to George L. Gause, the building owner, or to either of the initial tenants.  The first floor facade was remodeled with small mosaic tile in 1955.

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