Commercial Storefronts c.1910 – Exchange

Covering five lots on W. Exchange Avenue, this one-story commercial structure contains six storefronts in three bays which step up the sloping site. The red-orange parapeted brick facade shows geometrically patterned frieze sections and corbelled buttresses terminating each bay. The storefront windows have been extensively altered and clad in rustic “Western” wood siding, although a few terra cotta transom window surrounds are visible. Early ownership history is not well documented; from 1914 through the 1920s, a number of dry goods and grocery stores, furniture dealers and saloons occupied the premises. The Edelbrock Harness Co., later called Edelbrock Saddlery Co., was a tenant from 1925 to 1945. A cafe, beauty shop and hardware store were located here during the 1930s and l940s. The commercial block lies within the boundaries of the Fort Worth Stockyards Historic District.

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