This one-story wood-framed house has a steeply pitched main wing with gabled bays projecting from the front and side. A shed-roofed porch is supported by tapering Tuscan columns on stone bases. The house is notable for its well-preserved detailing, which includes bargeboard, gable brace, ornamental shingles and quaint five-sided dormer. Built c. 1901 for Andrew Cowan, a stonemason and brickmason, it was occupied for many years by the Kuhlman family. Fred M. Kuhlman was a contractor who specialized in road paving, fireproofing and reinforced concrete construction. The firm of Kuhlman & Blue had its offices downtown in the Flatiron Building. With more precise documentation to confirm the identity of the builder and the date of construction, the house may be eligible for the National Register. The Cowan-Kuhlman House is a contributing resource in the Fairmount-Southside Historic District (local and national).