Dulaney House – Elizabeth

Situated on a conspicuous corner lot at the east end of Elizabeth Blvd., this is one of the most imposing residences on a street celebrated for large, elaborate houses. It is a two-story masonry pile veneered in fine pale brown brick, rectangular in plan with lustrous green-tiled hipped roof. The symmetrical front elevation has projecting end bays which flank a roof terraced arcaded portico with spiral columns of green terra cotta. Arcaded floor-length windows (originally double doors) open onto a balustraded terrace which wraps around the front and side. The eclectic design, inspired largely by Italian Renaissance villas, has been attributed to Wyatt C. Hedrick. It was built by the Harry B. Friedman Construction Co. in 1923. The original owner was R. O. Dulaney, a prominent Fort Worth businessman and civic leader. Dulaney was president of the Planet Petroleum Co. and owner of the Sinclair and Petroleum Buildings downtown. In 1930, the yethe year he served as president of the Chamber of Commerce, Dulaney was selected as “Fort Worth’s Most Outstanding Citizen.” The Dulaney House is a contributing resource in the Elizabeth Boulevard Historic District (local and national).

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