E. M. Daggett Junior High School – Carlock

1108 Carlock Street, E. M. Daggett Junior High School/E. M. Daggett Middle School, 1955, 1990, c. 2003. E. M. Daggett Junior High opened in the Fairmount neighborhood in September 1955. Designed by Joseph R. Pelich and constructed by B. B. Adams, the mostly two-story school had 22 classrooms for 700 pupils. The International-influenced-design has a flat roof with overhangs, long stretches of metal windows (the upper portions of which have been blocked in). Like many of the schools of the era, it is sheathed with yellow brick but red brick is used below first floor windows, around entrances and on the one-story projecting entrance wing. Under the 1999 school bond program, it received a new cafeteria, kitchen and 10 classrooms. It is a noncontributing resource in the Fairmount-Southside Historic District (national and local). However, with further assessment of its integrity, it may be individually eligible for the National Register for its association with the school building programs of the 1950’s.

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