Foch Street Underpass – Lancaster

Foch Street Underpass under W. Lancaster Bridge. The W. Lancaster Bridge, opened June 14, 1939, was planned to overpass three railroad tracks, Trinity River and Trinity Park, to connect W. Lancaster with E. Lancaster Avenue, and to reduce congestion on W. 7th Street. Originally left out of the bridge plan, Foch Street Underpass was added to provide access to Farrington Field Stadium (1501 North University Drive) which was also under construction nearby. The bridge was constructed by Southwest Highway Construction Co. under the direction of Julian Montgomery, Highway Engineer, and R. B. Alexander, Engineer in Charge of Bridge Construction. C. M. Thelin designed the bridge. In a bermed approach to the bridge, the underpass incorporates a retaining wall and pedestrian stairway to the bridge level on the north side. Undemeath the bridge are two narrow lanes and a pedestrian walkway. The reinforced concrete bridge, Federal Aid Project No. 956-A, features a Modeme style concrete and metal railing. Original streetlamps have been removed.

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