Fort Worth Pharmacy/ Gross Clothing Co./ Atlantic Coffee Co./ Ward Drug Co./ Thompson Book Store – 900 Houston Street

900 Houston Street, Fort Worth Pharmacy/Gross Clothing Co./Atlantic Coffee Co./Ward Drug Co./Thompson Book Store, c. 1910; c. 1960s.  Constructed about 1910, this three-story brick building was owned by Mrs. Bert K. Smith, wife of the prominent Fort Worth grain dealer.  Fort Worth Pharmacy was the first tenant, followed by Gross Clothing Co. from about 1913 until 1918, Atlantic 1991 photograph Coffee Co. during the 1920s, and Ward Drug Co. from the mid-1930s through the early 1970s.  Thompson Book Store has been located here since 1973.  The ground floor of this building has been altered, probably during the 1960s, but the two upper stories with their arched windows, decorative brickwork, and applied galvanized metal ornamentation, remain intact.

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