Harrison House – Hillcrest

John Ward Harrison, of Harrison, Kennedy and Co., an investment and insurance firm, purchased two lots on the east side of River Crest Country Club in 1911 for $2,400. Three years later, he drew up contracts with Muller and Pollard, Fort Worth architects, and W. R. Knox, general contractor, for the construction of his new house. The Tudor Revival style house features a red brick first story and a half-timbering and stuccoed second story. Basically rectangular in house is set parallel to the street; a gabled cross bay projects forward. Solid brick piers along the front support a shed-roofed porch which contains the entry.A porte-cochere is on the south side. Although the original banded shingle roof has been replaced with asbestos shingles and striped awnings have been added to the windows, the house has survived without major changes.

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