This one-story brick and stucco bungalow is remarkable for its roof—an undulating series of gables and hips clad in red tile—punctuated by numerous chimneys with little tiled gables of their own. The house was built c. 1918 and first resided in by David and Pattie Humphreys. With more documentation on the architect and/or builder, it may be eligible for the National Register. 2012 Update: Spanish Eclectic is among the most delightful of styles dueling for public attention in the early 20th century. The home first occupied by David and Pattie Humphreys is composed of masonry construction with exterior cladding of decorative painted brick and stucco, topped by a roof covered in clay tiles with projecting decorative chimney at the rear, supporting knee brackets and projecting rafter tails below. The property’s façade maintains its character and integrity and is potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.