Jenkins House – Collinwood

Peter Jenkins, a successful clothing manufacturer and vice- president of Stripling-Jenkins Co., purchased four adjoining lots in the new Arlington Heights subdivision in 1912. Jenkins had moved to the west side location by 1918.The property remained in the family until 1947.
The Jenkins house was constructed as a Mediterranean style, two-story house with stucco cladding. Building permits show that the house acquired its brick veneer in 1934. A hip roof covers the two-story block; full two-story porches are incorporated under the main roofline at the front and rear of the house. The front porch, which retains its original stucco cladding, features three segmental arches on the first floor ornamented with shaped stucco brackets. The segmental arches of the second floor of the porch have been enclosed with small-paned casement and transom windows; the glazing may be original to the house or of very early date. A hipped dormer window is centered over the hip roof with its deep, spreading eaves. For the most part, the house is intact but in need of maintenance.

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