Justin Boot Company Factory – Daggett

This two-story brick factory occupies most of a city block. It is generally rectangular in plan with segmental arched windows and a flat parapeted roof. Regularly spaced brick piers and a continuous corbelled brick cornice extend along the two principal façades. Windows have been enclosed. The building occupies the site of the old Fort Worth High School, destroyed by fire on Dec. 2, 1910, and probably was constructed soon after. Early occupants included the Exline-Reimers Printing Co., the Stafford-Lowden Printing Co., and a W.P.A. sewing co-operative. The Justin Boot Co. purchased the property in 1939. Founded in 1888 in Nocona, Texas, the firm moved to Fort Worth in 1925. It is one of the largest manufacturers of cowboy boots in the world. The building may be eligible for the National Register following more precise documentation of its integrity and early history. The building was designated Demolition Delay in 1995.

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