Leon Gross House – 1301 Ballinger Street

1301 Ballinger Street [NR*/BSHD], Leon Gross House, 1915; 1988-89. This Prairie School residence, constructed in 1915 for Edith and Leon Gross, is one of a handful of residences remaining in what was once an impressive turn-of-the-century neighborhood.  Gross was president of Washer Brothers, a prominent clothing company in downtown Fort Worth.  He moved to Fort Worth in 1887 and was hired by Washer Brothers as their store manager in 1897.  By 1907, he was president of the company.  The front elevation of this two-story brick house is distinguished by a large chimney, a hip-roofed porch with massive brick piers, arid a walled loggia.  The house had received only minor alterations until 1988-89 when the brick was painted and the original wooden windows replaced with single pane fixed metal windows.  If restored to its original appearance, the house might be eligible for the National Register.  The house is also a contributor to the potential Ballinger Street Historic District.

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