Meadowmere Apartments – Birchman

The Meadowmere Apartments were constructed by Meadowmeit Realty Co. as a seven-building apartment complex containing fifty-six units on the site of the old Meadowmere Country Club. The two-story brick buildings, some of which are set in L-formations, are irregularly arranged along three sides of the spacious wooded block. Carports and service entries are located in the center of the complex, shielded from the street. Architect Charles Dilbeck of Dallas was responsible for the pleasingly eccentric design; Moore Construction Co. erected the apartments. Unusual decorative features include brick corbeling, round brick porch columns, and the natural log timbers which support the second floor balconies. The soft orange- reds of the brick, ceramic roof tiles, and dark rust-colored woodwork lend the complex the character of a rustic village.

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