Packers AVE – 14th

Brick streets along E. Exchange Avenue and Packers Avenue were laid about 1912 following a 1911 fire in the stockyards area. The streets in and around the industrial compounds were most likely paved during the early phases of plant construction. After the annexation of the North Side, the Thurber Construction Co., under contract to the City of Fort Worth, paved a section of NW. 14th Street in 1927. Unfortunately, the North Side’s brick streets survive in only a few spots. The remaining brick streets and the newly repaved section of E. Exchange Avenue harmonize with the many red brick structures along N. Main Street, Exchange Avenue and in the packinghouse district. The brick paving along Exchange Avenue and Packers Avenue is within the boundaries of the Fort Worth Stockyards National Register Historic District, and was restored in 1976. The resource contributes to the proposed Brick Streets National Register Thematic Group.

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