The Recreation Board, Park Board, Works Progress Administration, National Youth Administration, Fort Worth City Council and the North Fort Worth Kiwanis Club assisted in the improvements of Rock- wood Park, which was dedicated in 1939. The 1935-37 park clubhouse was constructed as a split-level structure, facing the new Jacksboro Highway to the northeast and overlooking the park to the southeast. Built in a vaguely Colonial Revival style, the Jacksboro Highway facade features a gabled portico of limestone ashlar masonry flanked by wings of rustic wood siding set with double-hung windows. A roofed terrace on the rear is set over an ashlar masonry first story. Now abandoned as a park structure, the rapidly deteriorating building is a relic of what was planned as a scenic entrance from the parkway. This structure has been demolished since the survey was compiled, but is retained in the report for purposes of documentation.
A second shelter of polychrome stone, of generally rectangular plan with three-sided ends, has an open, heavy beamed ceiling and two great fireplaces. With its doors and windows bricked up, it is in poor condition, hidden behind foliage and fences and used by the park maintenance crews for storage of golf carts. Several covered park benches, constructed of two limestone ashlar masonry piers supporting a shingled, gabled roof and bench, were probably constructed at the same time as the clubhouse.