Sanguinet House – Collinwood

Prominent Fort Worth architect Marshall R. S anguinet studied architecture at Washington University in St. Louis, moving to Fort Worth in 1883. Forming several partnerships over the years, from 1892 to 1896 he was in business with Arthur and Howard Messer. In 1903 Sanguinet began his long practice with Carl G. Staats; the firm was responsible for many major commissions in Texas.
One of the first to develop property in the new subdivision of Arlington Heights, Sanguinet built a house for his family in 1890. The Shingle style residence burned three years later. The house, when rebuilt in 1894, took the same plan and massing of the exterior. One change made at this time was the sheathing of the first story with a veneer of pressed red brick. The house is now an accretion of changes made over the years by Sanguinet and later owners. The asymmetrical facade features a one and one-half story brick tower, with chamfered corners and hip roof, to the west of a recessed porch entry. Projecting above the porch roof to the east of the entry is a five-sided, hip-roofed dormer. Additions of 1906 include the porch, supported by square brick piers, joined to the porte-cochere on the east, and the dining room. Although the house is now roofed with asbestos shingles, the wood shingling of the dormer window at one time must have blended with the varied outline of the roof. Remaining in the Sanguinet family until 1948, the interior of the house has been renovated by the present owners. The Sanguinet House was designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark in 1981, and has been listed on the National Register

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