Schepps Baking Co. – Henderson

This large industrial building is composed of a one-story rectangular block with partial second story. Ornament includes a tiled canopy over second story windows and a short tower with vertical window and wrought-iron balcony. The structure is faced in textured yellow brick. Ground floor window openings have been filled in textured yellow brick. Built in 1928-29 for the George Schepps Baking Co., the plant was sold to the Taystee Baking Co. in 1936, makers of Taystee Bead. It is interesting as an attempt to treat an industrial building as “pretty” architecture. With restoration, the building might be eligible for the National Register. This resource was designated Demolition Delay following the passage of the City’s first Demolition Delay Ordinance in December 1988. However, the building became a victim of demolition in 1989 after the expiration of the delay period.

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