Streetlights (Mistletoe Heights neighborhood) – Magnolia

Katherine and William C. Weaver, superintendent of merchandise for Montgomery Ward & Co. (2600 West 7th Street), were the first tenants of this house in 1925. A. L. Weissenbom was residing in the house by 1927 and purchased it in 1934. According to family sources, Meredith R. Carb was the builder. The frame bungalow of substantial proportions and eccentric detail is in composition a gabled, one-story structure of rectangular plan set parallel to the street. An overscale, jerkinhead portico projects forward from the full recessed porch. Distinctive features include thick, octagonal porch columns, bargeboards and roof beams with bulbous ends, and the half timbering with shingle infill in the portico gable end.

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