Sycamore Heights Baptist Church – Purington

Sycamore Heights Baptist Church was founded in 1922. Charter members and church trustees T.L. Black, Harry G. Leath and WD. West voted to acquire this site for a church building in 1923. This building was constructed shortly thereafter under the leadership of the first pastor, Reverend R.R. Pulliam. The unusual Mission Revival style church has an elaborate stepped Mission parapet, cream-colored stucco walls, and a red tile roof. A wide stairway supported by high parapet walls leads to the central entry. The Baptist Church sold the building to the Unitarian Church of Fort Worth in 1951. The Unitarian Church added the modern brick education building off the original sanctuary’s east elevation. Clifton G. Clark, an architect and church member, provided designs for the education building and extensive remodeling of the sanctuary. The current owner removed the stained glass and filled in the window spaces in the process of remodeling the building into a residence in 1980.

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