Two reinforced concrete highway underpasses, designed as depressed roadways beneath on-grade railroad viaducts. The roadway of each is paved in brick. The Tennessee Avenue Underpass, begun in August, 1929, was the first in a series of road underpasses and viaducts constructed as a joint venture by the City of Fort Worth and the Texas & Pacific Railroad (see 200-300 blocks south side, W. Lancaster Avenue and five underpasses and viaducts in the North Section of the South Side Survey). The Vickery Boulevard Underpass, financed in part by a federal P.W.A. loan, with assistance from the M-K-T Railroad, was designed jointly by railroad and city engineers. The two underpasses are eligible for the National Register, along with the others in the survey area, as part of a large-scale engineering project of the pre-war period. They are included as well in a National Register Thematic District comprised of engineering and industrial resources in the Southside related to the railroads. The referenced thematic nomination was never listed on the National Register. Such a nomination, now referred to as a Multiple Property Submission, would appear to still be a viable option for listing such resources.