The Wallis House is a two-story wood-framed structure with a rectangular plan and gabled roof. It is sheathed in narrow siding on the ground floor and shingled above. A full shed-roofed porch extends across the front, becoming a gabled porte-cochere to the west. The roof eaves have exposed roof rafters with tapering ends, notched bargeboards and, on the front, large stick brackets. Exterior alterations are restricted to the porch, which has been enclosed and its brick piers replaced with wrought iron. The house was built in 1917 for Dr. Nathan Thomas Wallis, an early black dentist in Fort Worth. His wife, Bertha Sims Wallis, was a member of a family prominent in local black society. The house has been attributed to George Powell, a well-known black contractor of the period. The Wallis House is a contributing resource in the Near Southeast Historic District which was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2002.