This substantial Grand Avenue house is composed of a hip-roofed, two-story block flanked by a one-story wing to the south. First-floor walls and Missionesque portico are clad in roughcast stucco, while the second floor is clad in red brick. A 1914 building permit indicates that contractor E. C. Walsh erected the house for Joseph L. Whalen, a restaurateur, who owned the property from 1913-19. City directories indicate that he resided at the house in 1916. William E. Jary, a manager for the George W. Saunders Commission Co., purchased the house in 1919 and resided there until 1948. A cast- stone star, set into the portico parapet, may refer either to the State of Texas or to Armour & Co. Pending further research, the house may be eligible for the National Register, it contribute to the proposed Grand Avenue National Register Historic District.