White Theatre – Hemphill

Located near the intersection of Hemphill and Berry streets, the White Theatre was among several neighborhood theaters that opened in Fort Worth in the late 1930s and early 1940s. It was very similar in appearance to the Parkway Theatre, formerly located at 1719 8th Avenue. It is assumed that the name came from the first manager, Mark S. White. The theater had a balcony and could seat 682. Circa 1960, the name was changed to the Berry Theatre. The three-story Moderne-inspired stuccoed façade still retains its prominent “Berry” sign. The building features two storefronts flanking the theater’s entrance. Burgundy colored ceramic tiles covered the first floor of the façade but have been painted. The ticket booth and neon outlining on the upper façade have been removed. The marquee was removed for the widening of Hemphill Street. The theater closed c. 1990 but the storefronts appear to be in use. With restoration, it may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

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