Williams-Colvin-Estes House – Collinwood

This important Arlington Heights house was constructed by Meritt Stevens, building contractor, for LeonardO. and Edna Williams in 1907 for $3,030. In 1910 the dwelling was sold to Orlitz V. Colvin, a prominent meat and grocery merchant; he resided here with his wife, Adelaide, until 1925. Jesse G. Estes, in real estate, and Nora Estes owned the property from 1925 to 1975. The wood- frame house is composed as a one and one-half story, almost square plan surmounted by large cross gables. A deep porch carried on Tuscan columns wraps around the south front and east elevation. The house is clad in weatherboard siding with fish-scale shingles on the gable ends; bay windows, ornamental window mullions, and a fine, original entry further distinguish the structure. A carriage house remains at the rear of the property. The house shows careful maintenance by the present owners. Pending assessment of the structure’s integrity, the dwelling may be eligible for the National Register.

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