Real Estate


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Connect with buyers who love historic buildings and let Historic Fort Worth help you sell your historic property with a listing on our website. The 90-day listing includes 4 color photos and a description, along with a link to the full real estate listing. As a bonus, it also includes two Facebook posts to our 6,000+ followers: one post when the advertisement goes live on our website and another after 45 days, assuming the home is still on the market.

To be eligible for listing, there are only two requirements:

  • The property must be located in Tarrant County
  • It must have been built more than 50 years ago

*Click on the button above and fill out the form to advertise with us. Once the form is complete, you will be redirected to our online shop where you can pay the listing fee

For more information about the advertisement, please contact Jerre Tracy at or by phone 817.336.2344 x100.

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