The Hamilton Apartments: 1926 – 2837 Hemphill Street
Designation: City of Fort Worth Highly Significant/End.
Designation: National Register of Historic Places
Owners: Terri and Gary West
Project architect: Allen Architects, Brandon E. Allen, AIA
Nominated by: Karen Holcomb
Councilmember: The Honorable Ann Zadeh
Terri and Gary West often drove by this apartment building, and at a recent HFW membership tour, Terri said the building just kept “calling out to her.” The goal of this project was to restore this long vacant apartment building that had fallen on hard times. This project will also help to revitalize Hemphill Street.
As a two-story, U-plan apartment in the Colonial Revival-style the Hamilton Apartments are clad in red brick with flat-topped, hip roofs of green tile. The entries open into a central courtyard and rectangular windows are trimmed in cast stone. A two-story, gabled portico extends from the south wall, and gabled dormers containing attic vents punctuate each roof slope. The project is being submitted to the National Parks Service for federal historic tax credits valued up to 20% of the restoration cost, and to the Texas Historical Commission for state rehab tax credits valued up to and additional 25% of the rehab total cost. The best news is that the units are already renting!