Van Zandt Cottage Friends, Inc. – Great Steward Awards

Van Zandt Cottage Friends, Inc. for their successful fundraising campaign that completed the restoration of the c. 1850-60 Van Zandt Cottage.

As Fort Worth’s oldest residence still standing on its original site, and as the early residence of attorney Major Khleber Miller Van Zandt, (known as Mr. Fort Worth), the Van Zandt Cottage is a symbol of generosity to Fort worth and its people. Maj. Van Zandt (1836-1930) established the city’s first post office, its school system, a newspaper, a church, a construction company, a bank, and was instrumental in bringing businesses and two railroads to Fort Worth.

With the instincts of today’s Chamber of Commerce, Van Zandt even built the first version of the current 7th Street Bridge, helped organize the Fort Worth Street Railway Company, was President of First Christian Church, served on the school board for 25 years, and as City Treasurer from 1885-1891. A city, state and national landmark and donated to Fort Worth, Van Zandt Cottage is part of the Log Cabin Village program managed by Kelly Picard.

HFW 2017 Cantey Lecture & Preservation Awards photographed Thursday, September 21, 2017 at The Fort Worth Community Arts Center. Joseph Murphey, Crawford Gupton, Cheryl and Neil Van Zandt. Photography by Bruce E. Maxwell.

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